Sunday, November 7, 2010

Guess who is potty trained?? (Knock on wood.)

We were potty trained and then we weren't, so I hesitate to even post this. Maybe rather than say he is potty trained I will just say he has not had an accident for 3 days, and he has been telling ME when he needs to go rather than me just taking him. (That was a run on sentence for sure). Hopefully this time it sticks. We can't go back to diapers because we threw them all away. For those who need some help in the potty training department, the 3 day potty training by Lora Jensen really does work!


hollyjared said...

yay!!! Im going to have to go get that book tommorrow!!! Im sooo tired of changin Mallary's diapers

Tawny said...

So cute knock on wood! I love the boxer briefs I need to get Bentley some.