This summer has turned out to have a lot more action than I thought it would. Little Avery has been more places in her first 8 weeks than Harrison in his first 8 months. We've spent many days at the lake, or "beach" if you ask Harrison, having tons of fun.
I know you may not be interested in these little tidbits, but this has become kind of my journal, and I don't want to forget this stuff. We've been potty training Harrison and it's been going ok i guess. The #2 is proving to be a little harder to get into the toilet. I have a friend who told me that she would shower her kids in freezing cold water when they pooped their pants and they hated it, but it helped them remember to go in the potty. I had just had Harrison on the toilet to go potty and he repeatedly told me he didn't have to "poop or toot". He then crawled under Avery's crib and did #2 in his pants. I was so ticked so I put him in the tub and turned on the cold water and dumped a big cupful on him. Rather than cry or scream he just looked at me and said, "oh mommy, that water is nice and cold!" What a STINKER!
Poor little GI Jane baby. I had to shave her head because it was totally uneven and I had accidentally created some little knots in there while rubbing in sunscreen. I had to cut the knots out and so I decided to just shave the whole thing. She didn't have that much to begin with, but it's still kind of sad. She had her two month appointment and weighed in at 10 lbs 2 oz 37%. She's my chunky girl. 21 inches long. She has also had some reflux, hence all the crying. We got some medicine for that and it has totally changed my life. She actually will be awake, with no binki, and not crying. HALLELUJAH. I love my little girl and it was so hard to see her crying all the time. Now she smiles at me once in a while, I will post a picture of it if I can catch one!