I don't usually use this blog to vent. I love my kids, they truly are blessings in my life. That being said, I think that 3 years old is the worst age ever! I don't know when Harrison became possessed, it must have happened one night in his sleep. I feel most days like I live with a combo of Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde and a whiny emotional teenage girl. Pick your battles? Every choice is a battle, "I don't want crust on my bread." I take the crust off and then, "Why did you take the crust of my bread?" (cry, cry cry) "I want to get in the tub all by myself!" he gets in the tub all by himself and then, "Why didn't you help me get in the tub mommy?" (cry cry cry). It is so hard. I love him so much, and yet most days I want to go lock myself in my room, go to sleep, and let him fend for himself eating only cupcakes and cosmic brownies. He has been sick with this stupid fever/cold/ cough thing that has been going around. I am sure that this compounds the problem, not to mention the fact that HE WON'T EAT ANYTHING! When your child will eat absolutely nothing you feel like such a failure as a parent, I can't even explain it. Like my only job is to take care of this kid (eating is a big part of that) and I can't even do it. The thing that totally stinks is that I don't know if anybody even knows what they are doing. I think we all just make a decision and pray for the best! ONE DAY AT A TIME!
2 months ago