I don't usually use this blog to vent. I love my kids, they truly are blessings in my life. That being said, I think that 3 years old is the worst age ever! I don't know when Harrison became possessed, it must have happened one night in his sleep. I feel most days like I live with a combo of Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde and a whiny emotional teenage girl. Pick your battles? Every choice is a battle, "I don't want crust on my bread." I take the crust off and then, "Why did you take the crust of my bread?" (cry, cry cry) "I want to get in the tub all by myself!" he gets in the tub all by himself and then, "Why didn't you help me get in the tub mommy?" (cry cry cry). It is so hard. I love him so much, and yet most days I want to go lock myself in my room, go to sleep, and let him fend for himself eating only cupcakes and cosmic brownies. He has been sick with this stupid fever/cold/ cough thing that has been going around. I am sure that this compounds the problem, not to mention the fact that HE WON'T EAT ANYTHING! When your child will eat absolutely nothing you feel like such a failure as a parent, I can't even explain it. Like my only job is to take care of this kid (eating is a big part of that) and I can't even do it. The thing that totally stinks is that I don't know if anybody even knows what they are doing. I think we all just make a decision and pray for the best! ONE DAY AT A TIME!
2 months ago
Emily.....we are in the exact same boat!!! I feel like some evil monster totally came and took over my sweet little Kaden!!! Ahhhhhh! He spends most of his days in time out a hundred times!! And I feel like it doesn't do a thing... He wont eat a single thing either....unless it is candy or cookies!! The poor kid is only alive because of pediasures and Flintstones vitamins... I am sure of it! I feel like I follow him around the house begging him to eat!!! I gotta say three is the worst age ever too..... Two's were a piece of cake compared to what he is dishing out now!! So you are totally not alone!!! If you need a break....give me a call...I am just around the corner!! and I am pretty sure I am the worst visiting teacher ever!!! I will be better :)
My Logan has been a monster since birth. My brother in law even gave Logan's "bad side" a name: 'Cortez' That name has been around for 3 years now. I completely understand the "failure as a parent" thingy. Oh well, we do a lot of Pediasure at our house when Logan gets sick.
Oh Emily, I have a feeling that's the road I'm heading down. Jackson won't eat anything either, and since about a month ago he has decided he hates all food, and formula and now milk too. So he's surviving on a little big of yogurt and cheese when I can sneak it in. Kids are hard! I'm not excited for that age if I'm already where I'm at haha.
My 2 1/2 yr old refuses to eat also. I started telling him he has to the count of three to take a bite or mommy will help him take a bite. Ohh its so miserable, and when he actually does eat you can see a total mood change! Just know you are not alone. Some days you are the best of friends and others you are ready to walk out on being a mom all together. On the bad days just look at your baby girl and smile. We can make it through these day!
Well, as I told the pediatrician. If Pop Tarts sustain life, so be it. Somehow they not only survive, but they grow, too. Good Luck Emily, you're not alone. And feel free to not be the mom, I do. When they say "Mooooooooooooooom" I say, oh she's not here, I'm her evil sister *cackle*. Too which even more whines of, "Mom stop it. You are the mom." Humor always helps.
Emily, you are not alone! I feel the same way about letting David fend for himself. After all, he's capable of arguing and pushing his limits so he should be able to fend for himself, right? I got so frustrated that I've resorted to buying a discipline book. I don't know if it's helping much, but it helps me see things from his point of view, but every day is still a struggle! You're not alone and are definitely not a failure as a parent.
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