Sunday, November 7, 2010

6 months old

Our little Avery girl is 6 months old. I know everyone says this, but I can't believe it. I feel like she just got here and at the same time it's hard to remember life without her.
She is sitting up on her own so well now. She still throws herself around a little bit, hence the pillow behind her.
Here are her six months stats:
14 lb 8 oz 22 percentile
25.5 inches 42 percentile
The doctor says he is growing beautifully.
A few things about Avery:
She is so sweet, and loves to grab your face and give you kisses.
She has a grip that will rip your skin off...ouch!
She loves to sit on your lap and watch Harrison jump on the couch, she cracks up laughing every time.
She loves to eat cereal, pears, applesauce, carrots, peas, peaches, bananas, basically anything you put in front of her.
She can hold her little bottle, and looks so cute while she's eating.
She loves her jumper.
She loves to splash in the bathtub.
Nick loves when she squeals with delight and pulls his hair when he tickles her.
She has a beautiful smile.
When she's nursing, or eating a bottle she reaches up and touches your face so softly.
Even though it wakes me up, I think it's funny that she wakes up at 4 am squealing happily in her crib like she's ready to play for the day.
She is a pretty loud baby, and if you sit by me in Sunday school or Relief Society you probably won't hear much of the lesson.
I love getting her dressed in the morning and picking out shoes and bows, and she hates every second of it. This girl would much rather be naked.
I love that when my mom and I go to the store we HAVE to buy her a new outfit or bow or pair of shoes, etc. We just can't control ourselves girl stuff is so fun to buy.
We love her to pieces!


The Lymans said...

What a cutie! I love her big, gorgeous eyes!

Tawny said...

Really so adorable!